Snow Mountain: guaranteed fun for the whole family

Feel the charm of each real white snowflake and enjoy the first and only Snow Mountain in Brazil.

With temperatures between -5°C and -3°C, Snow Mountain is the most anticipated moment in the Park! In it, you will find Castelinho, Ice Motion and Tubing.

Entrance is only allowed for children over 01 years of age, proven, always accompanied by a guardian. At the attraction, you are responsible for your safety, it is important that you follow the guidance of the monitors!

Other park recommendations are:

Walk, don’t run (slippery floor).
Only climb on the treadmill when indicated by the monitor.
Access to attractions with hot chocolate or drinks in hand is not allowed.
Only drive in permitted places.
The Park offers the Snow Kit (boots, pants, jacket and gloves).
There will be an exclusive space for you to store your shoes.
When circulating through the environment, be well wrapped up.