Si lo que busca es una carrera desgarradora, aquí está. Y hay un giro de alta tecnología: mientras te abrochas, elegirás la canción que quieres escuchar por encima de tus propios gritos ensordecedores. Con el bombeo de adrenalina y la música a todo volumen, subirás directamente hacia el cielo en un ángulo de 90 grados. Después de la primera caída feroz, atravesará la pista y alcanzará una velocidad vertiginosa de 65 mph. Una vez que esté de vuelta en tierra firme, vea su aventura como una foto o un video musical y compre una copia para llevar a casa. Querrás revivir esta aventura una y otra vez.
Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit™
Land: Production Central
02/03 21:06
Universal Express
2 minutes
Wet Factor
Recommended age
6 years old
Or older
Has virtual queue
Has single rider queue
Wheelchair accessible
Takes photo
Very Heavy
Some curiosities
Guests first enter into one of three queues, either the main queue, the express queue, or the single rider queue. Riders must pass through a metal detector in order to board, and may not board with any loose items on their person or in pockets. Lockers are provided for storage of these items. In each of the queue lines, there are several large screen displays that explain how to pick a song to play during the ride and important safety instructions. In the video, characters called "Video DJ's" are used as demonstrators to provide a visual explanation.
Guests first enter into one of three queues, either the main queue, the express queue, or the single rider queue. Riders must pass through a metal detector in order to board, and may not board with any loose items on their person or in pockets. Lockers are provided for storage of these items. In each of the queue lines, there are several large screen displays that explain how to pick a song to play during the ride and important safety instructions. In the video, characters called "Video DJ's" are used as demonstrators to provide a visual explanation.
A train ascending the vertical lift. A ride vehicle for "Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit", traversing the first "loop" element. The vehicle uses Maurer Söhne's X-Car Coaster design. The station for the roller coaster is a unique design, in which trains enter and slow down but do not stop. There is a moving sidewalk on both sides that moves at the same speed as the train allowing riders to board. Riders have approximately 30 seconds to take their seat, lower the lap-bar, and make their song choice. After the restraints are checked, the train immediately begins to climb the 167-foot (51 m) vertical chain lift, and the song selected by the rider begins to play. The on-ride video recorder also begins recording. When the train reaches the top of the lift, it drops back to the ground, reaching a maximum speed of 65 miles per hour (105 km/h). The train then enters a non-inverting loop nicknamed "The Double Take", followed by an upward right turn into one of the several mid-course brakes. It drops back down, going through a hole in a wall before entering a left, upward helix section of the coaster that is nicknamed "The Treble Clef". Next the train enters a quick element nicknamed "The Jump Cut", a non-inverting corkscrew. This is followed by a large dip that takes the train into a second set of mid-course brakes. Following a small drop to the left, the track straightens for a moment before making a right turn, a left turn, and then another right leading into the third set of mid-course brakes. An s-bend turn follows, which leads the train into an inclined loop and a fourth set of brakes. Finally, the train drops once more, travels over a small hill, and then enters the final brake run as the song playing ends.
A train ascending the vertical lift. A ride vehicle for "Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit", traversing the first "loop" element. The vehicle uses Maurer Söhne's X-Car Coaster design. The station for the roller coaster is a unique design, in which trains enter and slow down but do not stop. There is a moving sidewalk on both sides that moves at the same speed as the train allowing riders to board. Riders have approximately 30 seconds to take their seat, lower the lap-bar, and make their song choice. After the restraints are checked, the train immediately begins to climb the 167-foot (51 m) vertical chain lift, and the song selected by the rider begins to play. The on-ride video recorder also begins recording. When the train reaches the top of the lift, it drops back to the ground, reaching a maximum speed of 65 miles per hour (105 km/h). The train then enters a non-inverting loop nicknamed "The Double Take", followed by an upward right turn into one of the several mid-course brakes. It drops back down, going through a hole in a wall before entering a left, upward helix section of the coaster that is nicknamed "The Treble Clef". Next the train enters a quick element nicknamed "The Jump Cut", a non-inverting corkscrew. This is followed by a large dip that takes the train into a second set of mid-course brakes. Following a small drop to the left, the track straightens for a moment before making a right turn, a left turn, and then another right leading into the third set of mid-course brakes. An s-bend turn follows, which leads the train into an inclined loop and a fourth set of brakes. Finally, the train drops once more, travels over a small hill, and then enters the final brake run as the song playing ends.
The steel track of Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit is 3,800 feet (1,200 m) long, and the height of the lift is approximately 167 feet (51 m). Because the lift hill is vertical, a special evacuation system is used in the event that a train stalls on the lift. Also, the track is filled with sand and gravel to reduce the noise when a train is on the track. Throughout the layout of the roller coaster, there are 5 sets of brakes to control the speed of the trains.
The steel track of Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit is 3,800 feet (1,200 m) long, and the height of the lift is approximately 167 feet (51 m). Because the lift hill is vertical, a special evacuation system is used in the event that a train stalls on the lift. Also, the track is filled with sand and gravel to reduce the noise when a train is on the track. Throughout the layout of the roller coaster, there are 5 sets of brakes to control the speed of the trains.
The roller coaster operates with seven stadium-style seating X-Car trains. Each train has two cars that can hold six riders each for a total of twelve riders per train. On the headrest of each seat there are two speakers that play music during the ride. The speakers have been designed so that only the rider's selected music track will be audible. On the restraint is a small touch screen where riders can choose which song they want to listen to during the ride. Additionally, the trains are equipped with multi-colored lights that can be seen during the night.
The roller coaster operates with seven stadium-style seating X-Car trains. Each train has two cars that can hold six riders each for a total of twelve riders per train. On the headrest of each seat there are two speakers that play music during the ride. The speakers have been designed so that only the rider's selected music track will be audible. On the restraint is a small touch screen where riders can choose which song they want to listen to during the ride. Additionally, the trains are equipped with multi-colored lights that can be seen during the night.
Hidden song selections
In addition to these 30 songs, Universal Studios Florida also provided additional "hidden" songs that are available to riders, but are not included in the queue video. In order to access these songs, the rider must press and hold the ride logo on the touch screen for 10 seconds after lowering the restraint. The list of song categories will then be replaced by a 10-digit keypad, on which the rider can enter a three-digit code for the desired song.
In addition to these 30 songs, Universal Studios Florida also provided additional "hidden" songs that are available to riders, but are not included in the queue video. In order to access these songs, the rider must press and hold the ride logo on the touch screen for 10 seconds after lowering the restraint. The list of song categories will then be replaced by a 10-digit keypad, on which the rider can enter a three-digit code for the desired song.