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Liberty Square Riverboat
Zona: FrontierLand
03/06 10:30
Passeio lento de barco
FastPass recomendado
Dificuldade fastpass
16 minutos
Fator de umidade
Idade recomendada
Acessível para cadeirantes
53 anos atrás
02 de Outubro de 1971
Tira foto
Algumas curiosidades
Where do I find a bathroom?
There are a couple interesting things to note about bathrooms in the area. First, pay attention to the color and pattern of the sidewalk. The brown sidewalk is meant to symbolize the original “sewage system” for the era. There was no indoor plumbing, so the human waste used to be dumped in the streets. This brown sidewalk helps to represent where you might have expected the sewage to be in the area for more accuracy. This is also the reason why there are no public restrooms in the area. There wouldn’t have been a public restroom in the era, so you have to visit neighboring lands (or one of the restaurants) in order to use the facilities since signs for facilities wouldn’t fit in with the theme.
There are a couple interesting things to note about bathrooms in the area. First, pay attention to the color and pattern of the sidewalk. The brown sidewalk is meant to symbolize the original “sewage system” for the era. There was no indoor plumbing, so the human waste used to be dumped in the streets. This brown sidewalk helps to represent where you might have expected the sewage to be in the area for more accuracy. This is also the reason why there are no public restrooms in the area. There wouldn’t have been a public restroom in the era, so you have to visit neighboring lands (or one of the restaurants) in order to use the facilities since signs for facilities wouldn’t fit in with the theme.
The only Liberty Square
The Magic Kingdom is the only park to have a Liberty Square as one of the lands. Due to the nature of many of the details and attractions like the Hall of Presidents, it would be very difficult to recreate the environment with such authenticity. Liberty Square is also the only land to have more dining establishments than attractions. There are 4 different dining options varying from quick service to table service and only 3 attractions for the area.
The Magic Kingdom is the only park to have a Liberty Square as one of the lands. Due to the nature of many of the details and attractions like the Hall of Presidents, it would be very difficult to recreate the environment with such authenticity. Liberty Square is also the only land to have more dining establishments than attractions. There are 4 different dining options varying from quick service to table service and only 3 attractions for the area.
A lot of work for a tree!
Every colonial town historical had a tree in the town that was designated as the Liberty Tree. The imagineers wanted to create an area that looked perfectly like the American Revolutionary-era. The area had to have an aged tree for the Liberty tree as a young tree would stick out in the area. Guests would expect to see trees that are well incorporated within the area that are also perfect and beautiful. In order to pull this off, landscape engineers were recruited to transplant a tree. They weren’t just transplanting any tree though, the tree they were to transplant was a 135 year old oak tree that weighed in at over 35 tons! The tree was located on Disney property already, but still required a very complex process in order to move the tree. The crew had to drill precise holes in the trunk of tree and the roots, and also prune the roots for transportation. Bill Evans was the creator for the technique, and he was selected by Walt Disney personally to complete the feat. Amazing, right?
Every colonial town historical had a tree in the town that was designated as the Liberty Tree. The imagineers wanted to create an area that looked perfectly like the American Revolutionary-era. The area had to have an aged tree for the Liberty tree as a young tree would stick out in the area. Guests would expect to see trees that are well incorporated within the area that are also perfect and beautiful. In order to pull this off, landscape engineers were recruited to transplant a tree. They weren’t just transplanting any tree though, the tree they were to transplant was a 135 year old oak tree that weighed in at over 35 tons! The tree was located on Disney property already, but still required a very complex process in order to move the tree. The crew had to drill precise holes in the trunk of tree and the roots, and also prune the roots for transportation. Bill Evans was the creator for the technique, and he was selected by Walt Disney personally to complete the feat. Amazing, right?
Time progression
As you venture through Liberty Square there is a time progression in the buildings for the era and what was standard for the construction in that particular year. You will notice that there are numbers on the buildings. Add an “18” in front of the number and it will give you the exact year for the style for which that particular building is a representation. I found this to be an extremely neat way to show the progression of architecture for this era.
As you venture through Liberty Square there is a time progression in the buildings for the era and what was standard for the construction in that particular year. You will notice that there are numbers on the buildings. Add an “18” in front of the number and it will give you the exact year for the style for which that particular building is a representation. I found this to be an extremely neat way to show the progression of architecture for this era.
The Seal of the United States
Inside the waiting are for The Hall of Presidents, you will notice a gate around an area in the carpet with the Seal of the United States. The request to use the seal went before Congress and had to be voted and approved for Disney World to use the seal in the attraction.
Inside the waiting are for The Hall of Presidents, you will notice a gate around an area in the carpet with the Seal of the United States. The request to use the seal went before Congress and had to be voted and approved for Disney World to use the seal in the attraction.
Pay attention to the shutters
If you look at the shutters for the windows, you will notice that they are hung at an angle. It should be no surprise that this was intentional, of course! During the Revolutionary War there was no metal shipped in from England due to a concern that it would be used for additional bullets. The colonists would use the metal from the hangings on the shutters to help make ammunition and then hang the shutters with leather. As the leather aged and stretched it would cause the shutters to shift and hang at an angle.
If you look at the shutters for the windows, you will notice that they are hung at an angle. It should be no surprise that this was intentional, of course! During the Revolutionary War there was no metal shipped in from England due to a concern that it would be used for additional bullets. The colonists would use the metal from the hangings on the shutters to help make ammunition and then hang the shutters with leather. As the leather aged and stretched it would cause the shutters to shift and hang at an angle.
13 lanterns for 13 colonies
If you look closely at the huge Liberty Tree in the area, you will notice that there are 13 lanterns hung in the tree. These 13 lanterns are there to represent the 13 original colonies for the Revolutionary period.
If you look closely at the huge Liberty Tree in the area, you will notice that there are 13 lanterns hung in the tree. These 13 lanterns are there to represent the 13 original colonies for the Revolutionary period.